Rabu, 14 Desember 2016

Finally, the Fed Raise Interest Rates

Akhirnya The Fed Naikkan Suku Bunga
Equity World - Interest rates on United States (US) has finally climbed this year after many delays. The Federal Reserve (Fed) raised interest rates by 0.25%.

It shows the central bank began confident about the US economy. Rising interest rates will affect millions of Americans, including when buying a home, saving, and investment gains.

Thus, the US benchmark interest rates are now in the range of 0.50% to 0.75%. This is the second time in US interest rates rose in the last decade. The last time the rate rose in December 2015.

"Economic growth has risen high enough began in mid-year," said Janet Yellen, Fed governor, as quoted by CNN Money, Thursday (12/15/2016).

"We believe the economy will continue to improve," he added.

The Fed cut interest rates to zero in 2008 in the midst of financial crisis. Interest rates on hold at a low posiis until finally increased slowly.

Equity World 

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