Selasa, 22 November 2016

BI Change Mechanisms Statutory Primer

BI Ubah Mekanisme Giro Wajib Minimum Primer, Bisakah Bunga Kredit Turun?
(Foto :

Equityworld Futures - Bank Indonesia (BI) to change the mechanism of Statutory Reserves (GWM) primary. The percentage of which was determined on a daily basis, an average of a certain period.
Through this policy, the central bank hopes eventually emerge strengthening monetary operations, in accordance with the strategic plan that has been prepared and launched earlier. Banks may also be able to manage the liquidity according to current economic conditions.
However, this policy could affect the decline in mortgage interest? Director of Bank BTN, Maryono, said those changes will not affect lending conditions.
Because, said Maryono, mortgage interest is only influenced by market conditions.
"If the effect to it (lending) indirectly not probably yes, because it depends on the market. So it depends on the market, interest rates go up what goes down," said Maryono after attending the annual meeting of BI in JCC Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday (22/11 / 2016).
Maryono said, if changes in the reserve requirement mechanism is only to maintain banking liquidity.
"It's aim is only to maintain liquidity alone is not to influence to the interest rate or so," he said.
Meanwhile, on the same occasion the Director of Bank Mandiri, Kartika Wirjoatmodjo, said the change in the mechanism can not affect lending.
"We see the historical past, Kan we do not know how long. So it needs to be historical. So we guard so that its position did not go up and down, to make it more stable," he said.

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