![Seluruh Desa di Sumatera akan Teraliri Listrik PLN 2019 Seluruh Desa di Sumatera akan Teraliri Listrik PLN 2019](https://akcdn.detik.net.id/community/media/visual/2016/11/21/47219f53-9400-4d96-bf33-aef0c5fe55a5_169.jpg?w=650&q=90)
(foto: detik.com)
Equityworld Futures - PLN targets to 2019 later, the entire village in Sumatra will be electricity. Currently there are 1,390 villages have not yet installed the electricity.
"So we have a target in 2019, later 1,390 villages in Sumatra will tealiri electricity. Currently the process in that direction we have been doing this since 2016," said. PLN Sumatera Regional Business Director, Amir Rosidin, told reporters while visiting the power plant Tenayan Raya in Pekanbaru, Monday (21/11/2016).
He explained, to add to the electricity network throughout Sumatra PLN using loan funds from the ADB (Asian Development Bank) US $ 600 million and the World Bank US $ 500 million.
"Total funding of US $ 1.1 billion is an investment PLN to increase the electricity network in Sumatra," said Amir.
To meet the capacity of the electricity network, the PLN with borrowed funds that will repair tissue that has been less than the maximum.
Eventually expanding adding distribution transformer capacity. This includes maintenance of the electrical network.
"To meet it all, the work we have been doing since the 2016's. So come 2019, all villages in Sumatra are able to enjoy the electricity," added Amir.
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