Kamis, 24 November 2016

EMR Auction Mini Refineries Ceram Next Month

ESDM Lelang Kilang Mini di Pulau Seram Bulan Depan

Equityworld Futures - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources will auction 8 mini refinery clusters scattered at some point. Mini refinery is the refinery which has a capacity of under 10,000 barrels per day.

The auction of the mini refinery in 8 point aims to facilitate the distribution of fuel oil (BBM) in areas that are difficult to reach.

"This December we auctions in Seram, Seram island in the cluster VIII," said Director General of Oil and Gas MEMR I Gusti Ngurah Wiratmaja in Press Council Building, Central Jakarta, Thursday (24/11/2016).

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Mini refinery in cluster VIII has been MEMR for better preparedness than mini refinery in the other cluster. In addition, the location of which is difficult to access Ceram is the reason the auction of the mini refinery preceded.

"Cluster VIII prepared, complete data production, crude complete IC and also very large transportation costs now, right away," said Wiratmaja.

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